Terms of Use
1. Acceptance of terms of use
By using BreakthroughBroker.com in any fashion, you agree to the terms of use.
2. Content:
Content on BreakthroughBroker.com is produced by various authors and is provided to real estate agents as a resource to assist them in reaching success with their businesses. The site is a platform for real estate agents to share their points of view and experience on a wide variety of topics. The content on the site is provided to users for free. If you have questions or concerns about content on the site, please email info@BreakthroughBroker.com or call 1-800-682-4661
3. Validity
We try our best to provide transparent, valid, up-to-date, honest content. In our attempt to be a progressive site for agents, we will provide content from various sources and assume and expect the content provided to us is valid and true. If you have a question about the validity of any content published on BreakthroughBroker.com, please contact us.
4. DMCA agent
If you view content that you feel is a violation of copyright, please contact the DMCA agent representative Attorney Dave Kerr at 970-224-3100.
5. Submission Licensing
BreakthroughBroker.com encourages the use of the site as a platform for agents to be seen and heard. By submitting content to the site you grant BreakthroughBroker.com a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide right and license to use that content. Content submitted to the site may include written, audio, and video. BreathroughBroker.com reserves the right to review any submitted content, edit for major spelling and grammatical errors, and make the decision to publish or not. Once content is submitted to the site, please be aware that BreakthroughBroker.com reserves the right to use the content in any way deemed appropriate. By submitting content, you agree that BreakthroughBroker.com may copy, reproduce, modify, edit, crop, alter, revise, adapt, translate, enhance, reformat, remix, rearrange, resize, store, and publish in any medium for any purpose. This means you own your content but we may use your ideas and content provided to the site as we see fit, without any compensation to you.
6. Advertisements
In order to provide free content to the real estate agent community, BreakthroughBroker.com sells advertising space to marketing partners who seek to create relationships with real estate agents. Throughout the website, you will see advertisements by our marketing partners. The advertisements may take you to another web pages or websites owned by our marketing partners. BreakthroughBroker.com is not responsible for any content or issues with these sites.
7. Comment Policy
BreakthroughBroker.com reserves the right to review all submissions to the site. Comments will either be posted or deleted after review. We will attempt to provide explanations to individuals whose comments are not published on the site. The site reserves the right to take down posted comments at any time.
8. Downloaded Content
Please read the licensing agreement provided prior to downloading any content from the site. By downloading content, you agree to the licensing agreement.
9. Updates to Terms of Use
BreakthroughBroker.com reserves the right to update and/or change the terms of use at any time.